It’s a short drive with a landscape, nothing like you’ll see in the cities. The horizon is wide. The land is peaceful, the Queenslanders have fields with horses and cows, evening lights start to glow as farmers settle in for the night. I met a farmer on this trip and their day’s start early, cutting grass, chopping down trees, riding horses, all physical work.
Arriving into Airlie Beach right at dinner time there are a few places buzzing including, The Deck where we ate the fish of the day, with a gin and soda. Tourism is active in Queensland, it’s good to see people enjoying their home state.
I’m here to meet customers, I have early morning and afternoon appointments, Queensland is buoyant, retail is strong and clients who have been buying from us for the past 15 years, it’s the most confident buying I’ve ever seen for a while.
I’m dragging the suitcases around, this will be the last time, as of the 1st of July we will be doing ZOOM showings, from our showroom, connecting around the world. I will still do face to face meetings, in new ways.
With new information comes new ways, I will travel in new ways, now taking time to blend in the travel writing I love to do, without the heavy suitcases, still visiting clients and capturing some of their business stories, how they do it and what they’ve learnt.
On this early morning walk, the exercise groups were in full stride, running, jogging, walking, the cool breeze which sat at 20 degrees was the perfect temperature for a few layers. The sun slowly starting the day by coming up over the islands.
The marina was filled with super yachts and restaurants, cafes ready to receive the early risers. I was one of them who enjoyed the café latte before the day started. There are helicopter rides, sailing, sunset cruises, canoes, paddle boarding, something for everyone’s level of thrill-seeking, enough to get you outdoors.
I met a young guy on the plane that had just bought his third investment property up here, he was 25 and I think he was onto a good thing. Maybe I missed the memo, is everyone moving to the seaside?
If you’re looking for somewhere to hang out, this is a great spot. As the lady who hired me the car, said about her love for the place.
This small town feel, looking at the ocean everyday, making lots of friends, wine and dine, sailing and boating, hanging out by the sea with a BBQ in the park, she had left the big city behind, opting for a smaller community, to get that safe feeling. I was sold and hadn’t even walked out of the airport, what a lovely way to be greeted.
Happy I continue running my own business. It takes me places I might just get around to visiting one day, for now I do go because customer engagement is key to moving forward.
This is what it feels like to start getting back on your feet after the past 18 months on the rough tides, clipped my sails. Now I feel like one of those boats getting ready to sail again, after sitting tight in the calm harbour for the past few months, checking all was in order.
I've decided to travel only for pleasure, because it's more free and creatively rewarding. Change can be a challenge but nearly always worth the effort!
Bon Voyage into new waters.
Emma x