When you commit to studying, learning, trying something new, you are investing in your future. It is the best gift you can give yourself; it means you are moving forward, without actively realising it, towards a better future.

Plus, you are stretching yourself through the challenges of learning something new. It’s future-proofing your adaptability to challenges and how you overcome them to progress, otherwise the minute you face a challenge, the natural instinct is to run, hide, not try, leaving you just rusting away.  My choice has been, I’d sooner run out of puff by moving forward than sit rusting away. Even when the new commitment sounds unappealing, in time it’s the opener to new adventure and life experiences.

A mindset to learn, combined with the character to act, is the best combination to success. Strong words without action mean nothing, it does not magically happen without your hard work.

Going back into a uni environment for the third time has been fun, and I nearly gave it up when COVID hit, felt I had too much on my plate (normal fearful reaction), pushing through it was the challenge, it has only been 6 weeks and the best has been every Tuesday when I get to hang out with the Accelerator Class of 2020, we are supporting each other through our business lives and laughing along the way.

This week we learnt from Mareile Osthus, from The Iconic, expanding into a global market with a competitive edge. 5 key takeaways,

  1. Now is a limited market with a wider range of choices, what is your point of difference, review this?
  2. Stay strong to your brand essence, sell the emotions. Are you ready for some “me” time? Time away from work, family, partners, husbands? Ready for a girls trip away? (YES, From me)
  3. Focus on nailing your current business process – this time is now, perfect opportunity to sort through the problems.
  4. Look at; What am I? What am I as a brand?
  5. Go different ways, cause every brand is available now, loyalty will keep your business strong, telling us about you are, complete transparency. Control your own content.

On the flip side, Monday’s I get the privilege to deliver a guest talk about “Business in the Real World”, with lots of dark circles under the eyes at the moment, to a bunch of keen students, two have become interns. Maybe the rest have fallen asleep, I hope not, I try to make it fun.

This week, I was asked to talk about future steps in the Industry and interns at work. Career options with this skill set.

There is plenty of opportunity for new career options with this skill set.  As businesses have new ways of doing business. The best step forward would be to start selling yourself, get out there, and introduce yourself to as many Fashion businesses as possible.

The future is growing your business locally so that you can control the outcomes.

  1. Design Skills, converting sketches into spec sheets and CAD drawings
  2. Trend Analysis. Forecasting for future colours and trends
  3. Print Design, creating print stories with complementary shapes that will suit those prints
  4. Brand Signature: trims and embroidery designs, the unique handwriting for any brand, what’s your unique signature looks and feel, and I don’t mean someone else that you have knocked off, what is that you like and are proud of.
  5. Fashion Communication, staying real and authentic, speaking to your audience in all touchpoints.
  6. Sales learn how to sell; this is an advantage for any business looking to employ someone that you have sales skills, even if it is just learning to pitch yourself.

Here are our new keen interns, they are helping with photos, descriptions and looking after the shop front, web orders and stocktaking. It is so lovely to have fresh eyes and energy in here and we will continue to offer internships throughout the year.

Every week we are pivoting the business and learning right now, plus happy to be back writing and sharing again, my door is always open to questions and feedback, discussions in an open forum, still loving the journey.

Emma xx

